Tuesday, August 25, 2020

What's On Your Table: The Hatefull Eight- World Eaters

Share What's On Your Table. To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to natfka@live.com

While the lineup is short now, all submissions are presented in the order they are received.

here's another submission for your "What's On Your Table?" series: A recent project of mine, a World Eaters squad/ kill team codenamed "The Hateful Eight" (for now) that I have finally managed to finish the other day.

The objective here was to make sure each and every model was a customised, converted character that comes as close as possible to embodying what I think 40k World Eaters should look like: massive, barbed monsters in archaic warplate, covered in lots of spiky weapons and skulls. I also made an effort to include quite a few shout outs to classic models and illustrations, so anybody who has been in this hobby for a while might spot a glimpse here and there of something that seems familiar ;-)

There's a detailed writeup about the project here on my blog, in case anyone wants to check it out:


So yeah, that's it from me. Hope this finds you well! Keep up the great work!

All the best,