Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Warbringing Nemesis Up for Grabs! NOCF Summer Raffles+ A Big Thank You from Fisher House

The NOCF Raffles are still in progress with many great looking miniatures up for grabs all in the name of charity. While the raffles have been going on for several years now today was the first day one of the charity organizations that NOCF donates to responded with a video message. This is really exceptional when a charity spends the time to say thank you to our gaming community!

NOCF Summer Raffles: https://www.novaopenfoundation.org/2020-raffle

Sorry for the format on this one but if you have been part of the raffles in the past or are now just getting in on them, this is rather cool to check out. Take a look here


Warbringer Nemesis Titan