Friday, July 10, 2020

What's On Your Table: Battlefleet Gothic: Chaos Fleet

It's a Great Time to share your work and submit to the What's On Your Table series. The queue is short again and submissions are only day or so out from being posted.

To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to

Finally, here is my June project: a Battlefleet Gothic Chaos fleet.
Having sold my collection after GW discontinued the product range, I did regret that decision last year.

After prices for second hand models going down ever so slightly do to a massive spike of Corona related clear out sales I guess, I managed to et together a full fleet for a reasonable price.

After some paint stripping and assembling, I went - again - for a desaturates blue, Alpha Legion inspired colour scheme.

To make the ships pop on the table I put some extra effort into creating nice space themed bases with proper depth, using multiple layers of “clouds”, colour filters, stars speckled via brush and colour fogs.

Have you painted any BfG recently? 