Monday, July 27, 2020

Warlord Games Pre-Orders- Oni and Prussian Cavalry

Need some Oni for the Warlords of Erehwon? Or some Prussian Cavalry?

via Warlord Games

I just wanted to slap these front and centre after seeing the studio sculpts a few days ago - the new fantasy Ogres and Daimyo for Erehwon are absolutely stunning!
Just take a moment to drink these guys in.

New pre-orders are live right now!

New Black Powder Prussian Calvary and Oriental themed Erehwon Ogres & Elite Troops storm the casting rooms this week!
Oni Ogres
hulking creatures whose monstrous heads sprout one or more horns and whose hides are garishly coloured red, blue or green. Oni are not mere mortal creatures, but demons or malignant spirits made flesh
Daimyo & retinue
The Daimyo and Hatamoto have the ‘stubborn’ special rule to reflect their determination, which means that the unit removes two pin counters each time it is given an order instead of
Prussian Dragoons
Prussia was renowned for its excellent infantry under Frederick the Great. Less well known is the efficacy of Prussian cavalry on the European battlefield in the 19th Century. Early in the Napoleonic wars, Bonaparte himself warned his generals of the excellent Prussian cavalry.
Landwehr Cavalry
The Landwehr Cavalry was a huge force of mounted trained militia, similar in form to their infantry counterparts. The force was a massive asset to the Prussian war machine as they totalled over thirty regiments by the Hundred Days Campaign.