Thursday, July 30, 2020

Lost in the Mountains

Its often hard to tell, but a couple times a year I do vanish and try and keep up on as many articles as I can while up in the mountains (early mornings I often had cell service). Ive been gone for the last couple weeks and was back briefly over the weekend + Monday but as you read this am again out until late Friday. For the next couple days I will be completely out of cell range, but have some articles and What's On Your Table scheduled.

Cya Friday evening.

In the meantime, anyone know where the image above is? I was there about a week ago when I took these pictures. (Im not about 30+ miles south of the pic location). I know people have been able to track down remote locations I am at in the past-but its not easy.

Little hint on where I am currently by the time this article goes live. Maybe this will help find the location of the picture I took above.
"Jack only had three fingers"