Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Changes to the Forgeworld Facebook Page

It appears all things 40k have been removed from the Forgeworld Facebook page as Forgeworld may be turning to focus solely on the Horus Heresy and Adeptus Titanicus.

This is really a pretty big shift since they were doing Warhammer 40k as well as other things. We will  see soon what is going on with the rest of the products they do.

At the moment it appears only as a Facebook change but could be something like a re-focus etc.

via Warcom
If you’re looking to keep up with the latest Adeptus Titanicus goings-on, we’ve got good news. The Forge World Facebook page is being transformed into the Horus Heresy Facebook page – the best spot on social media to discuss all things Age of Darkness from tiny Titans to Horus Heresy armies. If you haven’t already, give us a like to make sure you get the latest news and fun stuff delivered right to your newsfeed.

Some Screenshots from the new page.