Monday, June 29, 2020

The Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms 1st Official Errata Available Now

The Elder Scrolls are getting their first Errata and includes updated print and play cards with updated stats.

Hi there,
Today we've released the first official errata download covering The Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms Core Rules box set. Errors are listed with a page number, and changes are presented in red. This free download also contains updated print & play cards with updated stats for selected adversaries and allies in the game.
If you’ve downloaded the Core Rules Box Set on the Modiphius Store, or the core rules on DriveThruRPG, you should already have received an update pointing you to the errata files but you can also download them FREE direct from the Modiphius web site here.

We've also decided to include updated copies of the hero and followers cards from the core rule box in the Wave 1 card deck coming in September.

You might also like to check out the brand new Elder Scrolls Development blog #5 I Am Sworn to Carry Your Burdens where Gavin Dady talks you through the brand new Adventurer faction with the Adventurer Followers and Adventurer Allies sets bringing ten new heroes and followers to your tabletop in August.

Shipping Update
If you're still waiting on untracked or tracked airmail shipments our second UK warehouse has been receiving stock and started shipping them today through the new route via Germany. It's likely going to take them about a week to ship out all the orders and they will take between 4-10 days to reach places in North America however you will get email tracking once it starts moving.

Currently borders are still closed for airmail shipments to Australia and New Zealand, however DHL can ship to both countries. If you are waiting on a shipment in either country and would like to find out the cost of upgrading your shipping to DHL, Rita will look after you personally. Please email her She's been working ever so hard for all of you to get all the delayed shipments moving and finding solutions and we'll be exploring more options to get stock over there regardless. Thanks so much for your patience.

Design Competition
Very soon we'll be announcing a competition to create a piece of scenery or a mission! Here's a quick overview to give you a head start and we'll be providing more details and how to enter next week:

Making Camp
Construct a terrain piece that will fit on a standard sized CD that represent a base camp, or portion thereof, in some way. It might be an adventurers rest, part of a Legion garrison, a Stormcloak outpost, hunter’s camp, bandits hideout or a necromancers ritual site. The piece should be usable in game and be scratch built as much as possible. No plastic tents or resin fires!

Campfire Tales
Write a scenario that deals with a campsite in some way. It can be Battle or Delve mode and should require an objective of some kind that matches the dimensions for the scenery in Making Camp. It should include all of the elements you see in our standard scenario setup, including some narrative introductory text,

Best wishes,

Modiphius Entertainment