Tuesday, June 30, 2020

40k Rumors: 18+ Wound Models and restrictions on damage per phase

18+ Wound Models with only so many wounds able to be removed in a single phase seems like an interesting rumor for 9th edition. I can see it very easily spinning out of control being too tough to kill, or just too easy. If so full on Imperial Knight armies might be all the rage!

Please remember that these are rumors. (I have not had the chance to listen to the entire podcast this comes from)

via Juggernut on B&C

I was listening to the Long War podcast, and they claimed to have heard some rumors from playtesters about 18+ wound models in that only a fraction of their max wounds could be removed in a given phase.

Therefore, superheavies wouldn’t be vulnerable to getting blown off the table in an alpha strike before their controlling player even had a chance to use them.

They mentioned Ghazgkhull having a similar rule currently, which I’m unfamiliar with.

That was the first I’d heard of this rumor. I think, given how vulnerable big things are in terms of targeting, it could make sense. However, with an army of superheavies (I.e. knights), I wonder if such a rule would be a bit ridiculous. I can certainly see some valid pros and cons to this rumored rule.

Reliability of the rumor is low, but who knows?

link to the Podcast