Tuesday, May 19, 2020

What's On Your Table: Tyranids

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to natfka@live.com

As part of prepping to run a mayhem by remote campaign during the lockdown (by having tyranids face off against imperial defenders, controlled by my friends via a skype call and me showing them the field of combat and carrying out their wishes.) I set out my tyranid army on a table.

In this army there is a mixture of older and newer models as well as one third party counts as carnifex and many conversions. 

The main conversions is the addition of zoanthrope heads to my hive tyrants, the winged version has wings from a nurgle bloat drone. 

Two of the seven carnifex models are also modified to have a spider like appearance, this is a left over from where my friend had modified them before I bought what was left of his tyranid army as he had lost interest in running them.

They may not be that effective but they are still a fun army to play games with. 
