Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Imperium's End

How will it end? We know its going to, but how. After all that is the setting. What are frontrunners if you were taking bets. Or is all this talk about the end just a prelude to something different, like a new edition?

40k is Grimdark, and this is the end, but is it the final end? Of course not. I hope not.

Here are the most likely ways it will all end for the Imperium

The Imperium’s End
see the entirety of the article at the link

A Psychic Awakening Overload
It’s long been whispered that psychic individuals are the next evolution of Man, and that one of the Emperor’s long-term goals was to awaken the psychic potential in all His people.*

A Galactic Buffet
For a few centuries now, the Tyranid Hive Fleets have been arriving from outside the galaxy and snacking on whatever tasty planets they come across.

The Beast Arises v2.0
Back in the 32nd Millennium, something kinda bad happened – the Orks got Orkanised!

Silence Falls
The Necrons aren’t much of a problem, are they? Long dead xenos race, coming back occasionally as their tomb worlds wake up…

Abaddon Comes Home
Ten thousand years, Abaddon was there when his father laid siege to Terra and tried to kill the Emperor.

A Not-Very-Civil War
The Imperium is riven with infighting – corrupt Ecclesiarchy priests, rival Inquisitorial Ordos, grudge-holding Space Marine Chapters, rebellious planetary governors and many more all fight for their own ends.