Tuesday, May 26, 2020

New Rules for the Adeptus Mechanicus for Engine War

Engine War is coming this weekend and with it new rules and units for the Adeptus Mechanicus. Lets take a look at the new rules........

via the Warhammer Community

Engine War introduces the option for you to create your own forge world for your Adeptus Mechanicus force to hail from. You then get to select a primary and secondary ability to make a new dogma for your world. For example, if you choose to be from a rad-saturated forge world, you get the Radiant Disciples primary ability.


If you’d prefer to stick with one of the forge worlds from Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus rather than create your own, you’ll be rewarded with a new Canticle.

Holy Order Warlord Traits
If your Warlord joins one of the four Holy Orders, they will be able to select the associated Warlord Trait. Each Holy Order gives you a choice of three abilities to select at the start of one of your turns. Throw in your lot in with the Magi to get these abilities


Serberys Cavalry
