Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Lair of the Spider Goddess- Heroes Infinite May Release

Lair of the Spider Goddess. This would make a very cool army.

via Raging Heroes

A Patreon project for 3D Printable Miniatures
Subscribe now, become a Patron!
What's a Patreon? It's a membership platform where you - as a patron - support artists and creators: when you subscribe to our project, you will be given access to new files and content every month! Oh and also, there's a very cool "welcome box", stay tuned!

Monthly Releases: why it's Better to Subscribe
If you missed previous releases, we will make individual files available for purchase, but at a much higher price, and without the bonuses and features exclusive for our Patrons. That's why the best deal is to become a member ASAP so you won't miss anything!


Here's what you will get in the May 2020 release of our new Patreon,
Heroes Infinite: in the Lair of the Spider Goddess: