Sunday, May 31, 2020

June Heroes Infinite Releases: Thieves of the Shadowsands Guild

This is a very cool set again to please just about anyone with a 3D printer. Simply amazing and stresses me out that I am missing all these great Stl files and don't have a printer. I definitely need to get this set (even if I don't have my printer yet).

Heroes Infinite is a Patreon project by Raging Heroes for 3D Printable Miniatures
Got a 3D printer?
Thinking of buying one?
Love beautiful minis full of life and attitude?

Well hit that Subscribe button because now you can 3D print a new collection of awesome models:
Heroes, Troops, Monsters, and more...

Every month!
For just $10/month!
For the FULL set!
And now the monthly files even come pre-supported
(so less work for you!)
That's not all:
When you join, you also get our Welcome Gift to you:
a modular tavern with loads of accessories!