Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Really excited for 2020!

This is going to be a great year coming into 2020 and I cannot wait to get started! 2019 felt like it fell flat and dragged everyone through the ringer. Faeit 212 will be going through some big layout and changes that will help everyone navigate to what they are interested in better, and there are some great companies out there in our hobby doing fantastic and I can't wait to see what they have coming up next. and yea...... I am fairly certain our new edition 40k is on it's way.

As many of you know Genesys Games is also ran by myself and it had a great launch through Kickstarter and our books are now being printed and on time for release! Our pre-order stores are opening in a few days and we have full worldwide distribution to stores lined up with additional launches coming this year. Nothing could be more exciting.

I want to say a huge thank you to everyone that comes here for the discussions and to see what is new and coming. 2019 is very much in the bag...... and a big 2020 is lined up!

So have a great and happy new year from me to all of you.

Oh yea..... get out of here, I don't want to see any of you until next year! (sorry dry humor I know, but really... go have some fun and I will see you all in the morning)