Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Looking Into the Future with The Genesys Project

There is a great year ahead of us coming into 2020 and I could not be more excited. The Genesys Project books are getting printed up and there is just so much coming for the game that I just cannot wait to jump into and get released to everyone.

Lets look ahead!
The new Genesys Games online store will be up in the next couple days. Its ready to go and just going through tests right now to make certain everything shows up correctly.

We are still looking at being ontime for our Kickstarter deliveries. Which means it will not be long now! That just seems crazy that we are this far into now. I cannot wait to get the books into your hands.

Distribution. Yep, worldwide distribution is coming for the game. I'm still not certain how we pulled that one off, but yea, our books beyond the Kickstarter and Backerkit are being delivered where we will have full access to hopefully just about everywhere.

New Releases. This year is already full! Wow is the only thing I can say. We will see our first Campaign book come out timing with the deliveries of Kickstarter shipping. These will be PDFs only.

The 2nd and 3rd Age! Yep, already being put together to get ready for a May/June Kickstarter release. I want to have those books delivered to everyone before Christmas next year. Alongside the 2nd and 3rd Age will be two supplements in a similar release to the Primitive Age to the Birth of Genesys. Those supplements will be an aftermath of an apocalypse for the 2nd Age and an "end game" for the 3rd Age to play right up until the end of the known universe. These supplements will be free the first few days of our Kickstarter like we did with the Primitive Age.

If you finding yourself look ahead to see the latest news, make certain you are checking out our Facebook page, as well as www.genesysgames.com

What a crazy year it will be. I hope to see you all coming along for the ride