Friday, October 25, 2019

Unending Skeletal Hordes- Nether Lords

Today as we approach Halloween I thought I would share some fun scary builds from The Genesys Project to show off the game system. Today we are looking at the a horde army based upon an never ending horde of skeletal creatures to really wreck havoc upon the your enemies.

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To do this we have a couple options, but to really push the limits of death we are going to select the Fey as our Life Domain taking the Path of Darkness where we will concentrate on the Sphere of Death, Fear, the Infernal, and of course a little chaos!

When creating our faction we get to select a number of traits that will be our "Faction Wide" traits. Lets jump right to the Sphere of Death to create our an undying army.

Here is the 1st Page of the Faction sheets!

Here are the Nether Lords

Nether and Dread Skulls
I wanted a Skeleton army that is much more than just skeletons. These are infernal creatures of fear and death. A horde style army that is made up of possessed skeletons moving extremely fast with unnatural speed across the tabletop! They are followed up and mixed in with Dread Skulls who use fear to negate enemy bonuses with a high skill themselves to wreck havoc on enemy lines. Animated Dead cannot control or claim objectives, must use primitive weapons, and have some characteristic decreases (but are cheaper!, much cheaper). Having Hordes means we can throw these into larger squads to overwhelm the living.

Necro Mages
Both of those classes are animated dead, which means they are not easy to control for the player. They rush the nearest living models to attack! So to add some control into the horde. Necromancers are there are direct the fray and give some solid command to the army. Not to mention they cast Dark Bolt: A Dark Lightning spell which does not attack a models toughness! Instead it ignores the flesh and strikes at the soul of the target (their willpower). They are also able to raise the fallen on the tabletop to create additional animated squads of skeletal warriors.

Night Screamers
These are the archers of the army. They are not animated dead so they can indeed control and claim objectives. Their broken weapons (an imbued power) pierce through a point of armor! and the Screamers can see very well in the dark making them extremely deadly.

The Nether Lords (Not shown!)
Existing outside of the reality and the known Spheres of Influence Nether Lords are a Level 4 class! These are very rare in the game and powerful.Of course they wont be fielded except in much higher point cost games.

The Nether Lords, and more will be a part of the Faction Pack with available now for Pre-Order for the Genesys Project.

To create this faction there are many different places to get your miniatures, but Wargames Atlantic has a great set of skeleton warriors you can find here. 32 to a box! Great way to build and customize a horde like this.

We will be doing more Halloween Factions next week!

Need to see more?
Pre-orders are here

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