Friday, October 18, 2019

New Adeptus Titanicus Terrain Available Now for Pre-Orders

New Terrain for your Adeptus Titanicus games!

New from Forgeworld

Adeptus Titanicus Battlefield Detail Collection $76
Adeptus Titanicus Power Generators $19
Adeptus Titanicus Manufactorum $19
Adeptus Titanicus Turbine, Crate and Barricades $19
Adeptus Titanicus Silos $19

via the Warhammer Community

Games of Adeptus Titanicus are an awe-inspiring sight. Maniples of towering Titans battle across blasted cityscapes while nimble Knights dart between buildings, trying to close in for a killing blow before the god-machines’ weapons tear them apart. Today, you can order a range of resin terrain kits to add to this spectacle.
Four new sets will add obstacles to your battlefield and act as perfect focal points for objectives, as well as adding flavour to your tabletops. Paint them to match your existing scenery and you’ll have a magnificent battlescape in no time. A Manufactorum provides a cracking centrepiece for your engines to fight over.A set of Silos, which also come with a storage bunker, pairs perfectly with the Manufactorum, allowing you to theme your table set-up around a manufacturing district on an embattled world.
Add in the Power Generators for even more industrial atmosphere.
The Turbine, Crate and Barricades will enhance the feeling that this area has been abandoned by the ground troops and left to the earth-shattering tread of the Titans.*
Pre-order these new kits now, and combine them with plastic Civitas Imperialis buildings and spires to create the battlefield of your dreams.