Tuesday, October 29, 2019

A Werewolf Slave Army

There are many themes you can make with The Genesys Project and one of the early days factions created was a unique Werewolf Slave Army. So I figured it was time to re-create it and see just how it plays out in dedication to the Holiday.

Remember that in The Genesys Project you create your own faction. There are also pre-made factions for you to play or customize to your own ends. Your Faction is your own.

The Wolfen
Out far beyond the civilization are the feral Wolfen, men of a barbaric nature cursed with bloodlust and lost to their humanity. They are wild and incredibly strong, but its the scent of blood that drives them to the hunt, to war, to the killing of others in any form. It's said the taste or even the scent of blood will transform them into beasts and they have spread through the north, conquering and enslaving the northern tribes, spreading their curse to those that they conquer.

So here we have a solid idea for a unique faction to create. While originally we had made the faction in fun, this turns out to be a very solid faction, one that could be very scary to face on the tabletop as those possessed with this curse can transform into werewolves in any round they are killing others.

There are other ways to take therianthropy in The Genesys Project. There are different triggers and afflictions. Lets take a look at this trait, because it's a ton of fun to take, and really customize your were creatures.

These pics are from a our free demo rules to the game that you can still download here

So lets take a look at our Wolfen Army!
First up is the faction, taking Therianthropy and choosing Lycanthropy, Bloodlust, and Cursed for our options with the ability. Every model in this army can transform

We also took the following Traits
Feriocity- Increase Strength 2
Skilled Pack Tactics- To get a bonus to our Martial Characteristic in squads of 4 or more
Slaves- so we can make a slave class
Medium Armor- Gives us the option to gives squads (except the slaves) medium armor.

From here we made several classes
The Dogs of War- our slaves. They are inexpensive, but with the possible transformation, scary.
Barbarians- Heavy hitters with additional toughness
Scouts- to help us infiltrate during deployment and get where we want to go.
Hunters- to help us with our ranged attacks and pick off stragglers.

Note that these are just our level 1 Classes which I am showing here. Also included in this faction are a more elite Barbarian with additional wounds (and size!), Wolf Shamans, and Eventual Monster Wolves to join our forces.

Every model in this army can make the transformation to a werewolf. For our leaders I even ventured to supernatural werebeast abilities alongside Alpha beast to really make a wild leader type.

More Halloween Themed Factions are coming!

Need to know more about The Genesys Project? Here is a How to Play to Video, and a link to where you can jump in and pre-order the game.

Pre-Orders: https://the-genesys-project.backerkit.com/hosted_preorders

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Genesys-Games-325160368399640/
Website: www.genesysgames.com