Monday, September 30, 2019

Sector Corvus Prime: Modular 3D Printable Sci-fi Terrain

This is a great looking Kickstarter already funded with over 200 digital STL files for printing! 

Press Release:
"Sector Corvus Prime is a huge set of modular 3D printable sci-fi terrain pieces from Corvus Games Terrain now on Kickstarter.

Fully funded and featuring over 200 digital STL files, the campaign features three pledge levels catering for most budgets. The terrain is aimed mainly at 40K, Necromunda and Kill Team players but can work across many sci-fi gaming systems, and being digital files, pieces can be scaled accordingly.
Currently the terrain pieces are using the OpenLOCK clipping system, the ranges has been just been expanded to include compatibility with the hugely popular WarLayer terrain system. Backers will receive both versions giving a massive number of files in the final downloadable package. Stretch goals are also getting unlocked providing backers with more scatter terrain to enhance their gaming tables.

Check out Sector Corvus Prime on Kickstarter