Saturday, September 28, 2019

New Formats are here for Warhammer Underworlds: Beastgrave

Warhammer Underworlds is adding to it's gameplay modes with three new formats. Here is what they are.

via the Warhammer Community

Warhammer Underworlds: Beastgrave is on a shelf near you RIGHT NOW! At this very moment, your Core Set is waiting for you – if you’ve not secured yours yet, check out your nearest store.
Indeed, there’s all sorts of good stuff on the way for Warhammer Underworlds, with a whole new season of Organised Play heading to your local scene, and the Grand Masters on the horizon! We’re excited to announce three new formats for Warhammer Underworlds to suit every player’s tastes – and three Grand Clashes for you to test them out in. Here’s the team behind the game to explain what’s new

The Formats

First up, Championship. Designed for tightly balanced, constantly evolving competitive play, Championship is the first format to benefit from our new rotation system. For those of you unfamiliar with this, we’ll be limiting the card and board pool to those printed in the two most recent seasons of Warhammer Underworlds.  For the board pool, you don’t have much to worry about at this point as only the Shattered City board pack will be rotating out. Championship also uses a Forsaken (i.e. Banned) and Restricted list, as well as tighter deck construction rules, where only six Surge and “score this immediately” objectives can be included. If you’re looking for the most balanced battles possible, this is the format for you.
Alliance offers a team-based twist on the Championship rules. When constructing your deck for this format, construction rules don’t just apply to you, but across every player on your team in a unified set of rules. This means no duplicates in any of your objective or power decks – you’ll have to get particularly clever to secure victory here! Alliance uses the same Forsaken and Restricted lists as Championship and is also subject to season board and card rotations.
Lastly, we’ve got Relic. This format is similar to Championship but allows you to use cards and boards from all previous seasons of Warhammer Underworlds. Relic has no Restricted list, and it’s own Forsaken list, designed to let you use as much of your collection as possible without compromising on gameplay balance.