Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Less than a week before it's gone! Warlord Titan/NOCF

Please do not forget that NOCF is going on right now with just under a week left to get in on the raffle tickets!

For NOCF there are lots of tickets available, but not lots of time. Whether it's getting in on the Nova Fists (brand new Space Marine army that will be part of the official background and lore), or picking up tickets to win a professionally painted Warlord Titan

  • Ultimate Army Bundle- 4 armies in one raffle!
  • Warlord Titan- Seriously
  • Nova Fists

Right here... Go now! 

This is an amazing opportunity to win these, and you do not need to be at the Nova Open to win. NOCF will ship what you win to you! to top it off my friend and buddy Alan over at KR multi-case has donated cases for every model and army that is won!

Can't miss this... go now. 

The Nova Open is just a day or so away now in Washing DC. ( I leave for it tomorrow morning). With that in mind I will be flying a good distance tomorrow but will be able to get off a single article in the morning.