Sunday, July 28, 2019

Uber Deffkopta- Attack Craft Model- NOCF Charity Raffles

Uber Deffkopta is a single miniature raffle this summer all part of the NOCF charity event going on right now. You can win this and don't  need to be present to win, NOCF will ship the winners their miniatures!
NOCF Summer Raffles- 33 Raffles in All-

Deffkoptas are the lunatic inventions of Meks obsessed with flight. Each Deffkoptra is a one-man attack craft that has a set of whirring rotors mounted above the pilot's head and a jet booster at the rear. Deffkoptas scream across the battlefield their underslung weapons spitting death.

This Uber DeffKopta is highly stylized and customized to give the owner a unique experience on the tabletop.

Join us in thanking Alex Good who has been supporting teams for the NOCF Artists’ Consortium for years. This year, he stepped up to serve as a lead

Painted by Alex Good, 40K Showcase Studio

1x Uber Deffkopta

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Tickets are Here