Friday, May 3, 2019

Rumors: One Coat Paint to Rule them All

We have seen that there is a big release of paints coming, something hinted at now for many weeks with very little else to go on but wild guesses. Its expected that we will know more within days... but here is something that I spotted this morning that might actually be what we will see coming.

One Coat Paints.

via Kirioth TV.

Overview- for more details or commentary, check the video. Kirioth says this is a reliable source.

  • There is a one coat paint coming. It will cover the model when it dries darkens the recesses and lighten the raised areas.
  • This would allow new players to quickly and effectively paint their miniatures. You know... get rid of all the gray in the closet. (makes sense with the teaser videos we have seen.)