Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Game Fortress: A New App for Hobbyist by Hobbyist

A completely free app is live now to organize your lists, games, and other projects you have going on. This app was created by hobbyists and they want you to sign up and let them know what you think of the app. They want your feedback.

I signed up and browsed around this morning and found the app quite flexible for quite a few game systems. There are quite a few people already posting up their work, events scheduled and much more.

I think the nice thing about his is how easy it is to share your projects and lists with friends in your gaming circles. You can even jump ahead and organize your tournaments through the app. with pairings, ITC points and more.

Definitely worth checking out and seeing what this can do for  you.

Game Fortress

Info from the Game Fortress about what this app can do.

Paid Membership
Paid membership features under development. We have exciting plans for new functionality in the future. All basic features are free at this time.

Free Membership
Included with just your free membership you gain access to a range of features to truly organize your hobby, interact & collaborate with friends, and host events. Below is a detailed list of additional features you will gain access to within each section of the site:

Workbench home
Pinboard of all your favorite collection items, projects, events and more. This allows you to save & organize items that inspire you from other people.
Summary of recent feedback on items you have made public
Achievements gained & ranking within various leagues (coming soon)
Projects & Works in Progress
Create projects to organize different hobby collections your working on.
Post updates with photos as you make progress. Slide the percentage tracker to the right & be satisfied.
Make projects public when you're ready. Or need tips on a color scheme or conversion bits? Request input from the public - this will create a story on the explore area, allowing people to view your project and post feedback.

Collection Items
Catalog the miniatures in your collection. Don't know what you have sitting in storage containers in your basement? Catalog those items once & know what you have on hand for future games without having to continually rummage through your boxes.
Slowly completing multiple projects at once? Tie your miniatures to your projects & keep track of which are complete.
Easily search through your collection by game, number of points, faction.
Post pictures.
Save points & rules for each of your items. Customize upgrades used. Have multiples of the same unit? Save once for all.
Create custom rules for custom made miniatures & conversions. Use them in your games & open them up for public feedback.

Army Lists
Create lists for participating in events. These lists are composed of detachments of your collection items, but you can customize upgrades per unit - without having to edit your collection items.
Automatic calculation of total points, total power level, total # of models, total detachments, total command points and more.
Share, print & save lists.
Organize simple one on one events with friends
Administer painting competitions in your store
Create narrative sequences & track team progress through missions.
Create & manage tournaments
Collect entry payments online direct into your PayPal account
Select options for # of rounds
Automatic pairing each round using a swiss pairing algorithm. Or select matchups manually
Automatic calculation of total time needed based on time per round, breaks etc.
Incorporate in and collaborate on custom rules on an event by event basis
Automatically calculate ITC points for Warhammer games
Tie events to leagues and track stats over the course of the year

Can I come back?
Yes, if you decide to leave for a time, all your content will still be available should you come back at a later date. (Note that content is still subject to terms of service as an unpaid member)