Sunday, January 6, 2019

What's On Your Table: Nighthaunts

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to

Hey Natfka,
So! Here are some of the Nighthaunt I've been painting most recently. Finally settled on a paint scheme and basing style for the most part, which I'm endeavoring to stick to for once, without getting distracted by "better" ideas.

I already had a bunch of spirit hosts, and have picked up some of the new chainrasps and bladegeists. (I find the Easy to Build kits a bit disappointing to assemble, but I have to admit they did a solid job with the posing on the chainrasps. The bladegeists, on the other hand, I think are phenomenal.) Also have a few "Black Knights" converted from ancient Empire Knights hiding in the back there.

After this I'll have had my fill of doing corrosion effects, at least.

Thanks for looking!