Tuesday, January 8, 2019
What's On Your Table: Cadian Rough Riders
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com
with the current Genestealer Bikers coming out, I'd like to suggest showing off my Cadian Rough Riders.
I don't play competitive and like all those strange Astra Millitarum units, that never got models.
And as modelling and bit bashing is one of my favourite parts of the hobby I wanted Rough Riders that fit my desert armoured cav theme.
So it had ro be dirtbikes instead of horses, first I wanted to go with Ramshackle bikes, but then I could aquire some cheap Scout Marine Bikers.
I used the shotguns for my vets, and converted the bikes heavily.
I'm hery happy with the result, they look like from the same Forge World and the same basic design, so definetly 'Imperial' but different enough.
I hope we'll see lots of Rough Riders conversions now with the new Genestealers!
Oliver (OTee)