Sunday, January 20, 2019

What's On Your Table: Admech and Imperial Guard

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to

I wanted to share my Ratmech army I'm working on.  I just had a kid so my hobby time is almost non existent at the moment.  

I have a pretty good bit of Admech and Imperial Guard converted from Skaven models.  I'm currently working on a Ratisarius Crawl, Archverminos Dominus of the Adeptus Ratcanicus.  I'll have to send pictures of that when I'm done.  Until then please enjoy the pictures of the last few models I converted over the past couple weeks. I hope you like them.  Have a good day!

- Droopy 

As promised Ratisarius Crawl, Archverminos Dominus of the Adeptus Ratcanicus.