Friday, December 28, 2018

A Look at Nightvault, Kill Team, Blackstone Fortress and More

The new Whit eDwawrf is coming soon for January's edition and in it will be new rules and features for Games Workshops "other games"; Warhammer Underworlds Nightvault, 40k Kill Team, and Warhammer Quest Blackstone Fortress.

via the Warhammer Community

let’s take a look at some of the articles in January’s issue as a hint of things to come:
For fans of the ultimate competitive miniatures game, David Sanders – the game’s lead rules writer – will be regularly contributing new rules, tactics and development insights for the game in his new column, Glory Points. One of his first acts in January’s issue is to formally name the various game boards with suitably thematic titles. He also offers advice on how to use them and discusses the tactical merits of various battlefield configurations in Warhammer Underworlds:

While attending the NOVA Open in Washington DC earlier this year, Pete Foley (design studio manager and guest editor of January’s issue), was bombarded with requests for Kroot Mercenary rules in Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team. One phone call later and the gears were set in motion… fast forward six months later and the Kroot Mercenaries are set to make their Kill Team debut in January’s issue! How awesome is that?

Having burst onto the scene last month, Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress was treated to a bonus mission and an exclusive artefact in December’s issue of White Dwarf. In January’s issue, illustrator Paul Dainton speaks to White Dwarf’s intrepid reporter Dan about his artwork that defined the game’s dark, brooding atmosphere. Sensing a theme yet?
But that’s just the start! Moving forwards, White Dwarf will be regularly featuring articles for all of our other game systems, including Blood BowlAdeptus Titanicus: The Horus HeresyThe Age of DarknessNecromundaand, of course, the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game. But if there’s more you’d like to see in White Dwarf, let us know. Here’s what White Dwarf’s manager Ian Huxley had to say on the subject:
Ian: We’ve been working hard to make White Dwarf a magazine for the community. You’ve given us loads of feedback and that’s really helped us to define the content of the new magazine. Keep an eye on the White Dwarf Facebook page – we’ll regularly be asking questions there, so let us know what you think in the comments. The White Dwarf team will be attending events and Open Days, so please come and have a chat. You saw what happened with the Kroot Mercenaries in Kill Team, so anything’s possible!
We’re always after external contributors too – if you’d like us to showcase your army or you’d like to write an article or two, please do get in touch at
Thanks, Ian. The new issue of White Dwarf is out in stores next Friday,