Friday, November 30, 2018

What's On Your Table Black Friday Giveaway: Horus

What's On Your Table Black Friday Giveaway: Details Below

I finished a special piece today, which I have painted for a close friend.
I was really nervous about this paintjob, cause it is... a freaking primarch! And by the emperor, I wanted to do this model justice.
So... Horus Lupercal, the Warmaster, father of the Sons of Horus:

My friend and I are no fans of Marines going to combat unhelmeted... so the seach began to find a suiting helmet for such an exquisite warrior.
We quickly found that from the CSM Raptor kit there was a quite proper pick for a helmet. So we chose it.
And in my opinion... every Forge World primarch should have a helmet in their kit to choose from!
The other thing... the green armour. So in the fluff of my friend, his Sons of Horus are still loyal... but, they stick to Horus.
For them, Horus died on Davin and the monster that came out of the snake shrine, wasnt Horus at all.
So he picked the short time frame between renaming Horus Legion from Lunar Wolves and becomming the Sons of Horus and later the Black Legion, where Horus painted his armour black.
In between this frame, his armour was sea-green. And we thought you dont see that often and we tried it... and it worked out.

I hope you guys like him as much as we like him :)

see more here 

With kind regards,
 the Grizzly

What's On Your Table Black Friday Giveaway
We are doing a Holiday Giveaway for What's On Your Table..... All you have to do is submit What's On Your Table by sending up to 8 pics of whatever it is you are working on (in the hobby of course). The winner will be selected randomly from all entries. If you entered for the November Black Friday are also entered for the December Holiday Giveaway. The Holiday Giveaway is for a $50 gift card to a Miniature company of your choice (as long as they do online gift cards).

The Drawing will end December 23rd on Christmast Eve at 12:00pm PST
Again: To enter the What's On Your Table Black Friday Giveaway, please send up to 8 pics to