Monday, November 5, 2018

Space Marine Heroes.... The Scale of these Miniatures.

A question has come up on the scale of the new Space Marine Heroes that will be hitting stores this coming Saturday. So I did a little research to see just what the scale of these are, and of course to find some comparison pics for details.

Lets check it out, and don't forget to check out the full review of Space Marine Heroes Series 1 that is connected at the link in the pics.

Its always best to find someone that has some experience with these miniatures, so here are a couple comments on them.

Conversation on the scale of these new marines from Bolter and Chainsword.
via Robbienw
The heads, weapons, backpacks shoulder pads etc are also the same size and scale as those of the pre-deathwatch marines though. As are the arms. The legs have just been made longer, and there is a slight lengthening of the lower torso, thus altering the proportions not the scale. They are closer to ideal art human proportions because of these changes.

Its not a consistent leg length increase either, some have longer legs than others. Which is probably more 'realistic' as marines of differing heights are described in fluff, its unlikely they would all be a uniform height.

via  UnkyHamHam
Can confirm everything here is true. 
Also its worth noting that specifically heads, pauldrons, and backpacks are unchanged from pre-Deathwatch, to the newer proportions, to Primaris. There is no "new scale." They have just modified newer nonPrimaris marines legs and torsos to not be so stubby, and they tend to be in better taller poses. 

Review of Series 1 from the via Tale of Painters
See the whole review of Space Marine Heroes Series 1 at this link.

Here comes the scale comparisons. On the left, we have a model with Deathwatch Kill Team Mk8 legs and Mk8 torso from the Tactical Squad kit (2015), Brother Castor, and a Primaris Marine on the right.

From left to right: a Marine in Mk6 armour (Tactical Squad 2015), a Marine in Mk4 armour (plastic), Brother Castor, and a Marine in Mk3 armour (plastic). Remember that Brother Castor's scenic base adds a millimeter or two.

As you can see, Space Marine Heroes seem to be slightly taller than regular Marines. The upper bodies are the same, but the legs are slightly longer and beefier, and posed more upright, like the Mk8 armour Deathwatch Kill Team models. Also, the sculpted bases add a little bit extra height as well. They won't look out of place in existing Space Marine collections, though they'll stand out a little bit right next to older Tactical Marines.