Saturday, June 30, 2018

Adeptus Titanicus.. Will the Game Expand Into Infantry and Tanks... Xenos?

There are a lot of releases that we look forward to, but arguably Adeptus Titanicus is currently ranking up near the top of that list. Perhaps that is because we all want to see a return of Epic, or even that we have been hearing about this game for well over a year. Either way August will be a big month as we wait for the release of the game.

So the big question..... Will it ever see an expansion into other races like Orcs or Eldar? Will it see infantry and tanks?

The short answer is no it will not, at least for now. Here is the latest talk about what has been said for Adeptus Titanicus.


Conversation from Dakka provides a solid wrap up of what we know currently

via zedmeister
Remember that James Hewitt, who originally wrote the game, did say that it is designed to expand into tanks an infantry as a possible future option.

the designers at Warhammer Fest said this, via Penddraig: 
The Specialist Games team have also suggested that if the game is successful then we will see an expansion into 40k with Eldar Phantoms and Ork Gargants being included in future expansions but for the moment – the focus is on Heresy. What was clarified many times is that this is a game of titans. The emphasis is on God-Engines fighting each other as per the original game. There are no plans at all to expand into infantry, vehicles etc as the old Epic as the feeling is that it devalues the role and use of the titans. They have not ruled out a later version of epic as a separate game but there are no plans for the moments.

via zedmeister
However, he is writing the rules engine so that they are able to add in vehicles or infantry without requiring a whole new set of rules to be written. He described the jarring effect of Titans and Infantry needing two sets of rules in previous games and it's something that he definitely wants to avoid.