Saturday, January 27, 2018

February White Dwarf Preview

February will be an interesting month as we move past the Adeptus Custodes and towards some xenos releases. However there is still a lot going on in the Age of Sigmar and other specialty games... so here is your preview from the Warhammer Community.

As the community gets a hold of early editions of the magazine, we will get more details.

via the Warhammer Community
Well, first of all, you can expect three great free gifts! That’s right, we’ve got a chapbook from Black Library, cards for the Heroes of Black Reach board game, and a download code giving you free access to three missions from the new Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr computer game! And if you want to know more about the game, we’ve got an interview with its creators.
Elsewhere, the big news this month is twofold: Malign Portents and the Adeptus Custodes – and we’ve got Designers’ Notes for both, talking to Phil Kelly about what Malign Portents means for Warhammer Age of Sigmar, and talking to members of the Citadel design team about bringing the Adeptus Custodes to life.
You can see the Adeptus Custodes in action in this month’s Battle Report, too, where they take on the Necrons, commanded by Michael. (Quote of the game: “I thought that Monolith would last at least one round…”)
We’ve also got the third part of our new adventure for Warhammer Quest: Shadows Over Hammerhal. (If you didn’t catch the first two parts, move quickly and you might still find copies of the December or January issues in stores or online.)Still want more? Well, how about a Blood Bowl Match Report and the second part of the “Search for the Stone” narrative campaign for Middle-earth Battle Companies? More? How about a brand-new Necromundascenario, tactics for the Thousand Sons, Realms of Battle, Paint Splatter on the new Orlock Gang and… you get the idea. There’s loads of it. You can pre-order the issue from tomorrow, and head over to the White Dwarf Facebook page for more previews over the coming week.