Monday, August 28, 2017

Designers Notes: Minor Races of 40k

Rumors are going to be wild for a bit, with an image and some talk of minor races......

via Triaad over on the War of Sigmar comments

Quick translation for non french speaking people
If we know well the main actors on the galactic scene. Warhammer 40k encompass a great number of minor xenos species that showed up during the years. They are generally those that escaped the great xenocide purges of the great crusade but without the number, strength or will to conquer great domains like the Aeldary or the Orks .

In the galaxy, humanity encountered the Nicassars, Barghesis, Demiurgs, Sslyths, Nagis , Jokaeros, K’nibs, Lacrymoles, Laers, Psy-Gores, Xenarchs, Hruds, tarelians, Chromes, Loxatls,Megarachnids, Kinebrach, Saruthis, Rak’Gols, Slaughts …

And those are only a fraction of those identified as conscious. Imperial scholars have described beast since the publication of Rogue Trader. Some of those abominations have come to the tabletop under the guise of modern miniatures in service of existing army. Like the Genestealers (who happened to be working for the Hive Fleets), or the Razorwings (often raised by the Drukhari). Other are missing from the battlefield but lurk in the background of stories, like the Hruds or the Demiurgs. It is possible that some other see the light of day in the future. And some are wondering if we will see an Ambull again …