Friday, June 30, 2017

The Genesys Project has tables at the Nova Open

This year at the Nova Open the Genesys Project will have demo tables set up to learn how to create and play the game. We have a very central location that you are certain not to miss, and will be there through the entire event.

The Nova Open is the premiere Tabletop Wargaming Event on the East Coast running from August 31st to September 3rd.

I will personally be there to show of the Creation Process and how to do it, along with demo tables to take an army to the field to show off the features of the game. We will be doing 500pt battles, taking between 30-45 minutes, so there is plenty of time to get to know the game. This will be the first of many events for the Genesys Project.

Also we will be talking about the end of the Open Beta, where the game is going including future releases. We will have multiple people there that are familiar with the game.

Still not certain what the Genesys Project is, or how to get the rules and get involved? The Genesys Project is a tabletop wargame where the control of your faction is yours. You create it, giving them the special rules and abilities you select, including customized equipment, vehicles, and Powers (spell-like powers).

To see what we are about, simply go to and register for your very own product code to download the Open Beta rules.