Tuesday, May 16, 2017

What's In Your Pocket? Exclusive Bugman's Bar Item

Been to Bugman's Bar before and somehow missed these? A lot of people have Im certain. An exclusive pocket watch found at Bugman's Bar at Warhammer World.

via Mauler (thank you for the pics and details)
The pocket watch is made by a jeweller local to Warhammer World in Notts, UK.  They’d actually run out when I went to get one but the awesome lady who handled my request made sure that I was couriered one free of charge once a new batch came in.  They retail for about £40 in Bugman’s Bar in WHW along with the other Bugman’s exclusive items, I thought I’d share these as I never knew they existed until last year despite visiting WHW a fair bit over the last five years or so and I figured that if I didn’t know about them then a load of other people don’t either.