Saturday, February 18, 2017

What's On Your Table: Biomechanical Lord of Change

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to

Here is my Biomechanical lord of change Morrs Penna. 

The idea was that a lord of change or a daemon in general doesn't have to be 100% flesh like in their appearance. I assumed that a daemon can influence how it appears when it manifests into reality in addition to the idea being too good to ignore. 

He is based on the mierce miniatures Banelegions Proteanc fickle lord of uroboros model. I added an arm weapon, pipes feedline, a bionic eye and a mechanical wing made from a pile of spare parts take from the valkyrie and storm raven kits. The pipes themselves come from skitarri, forge world predator tank, the valkyrie and tyranid hive guard kits. (I don't have one of the new games workshop plastic kits yet so I can't judge the scale accurately. 

In the final pic I have included my other two lords of change one is an original metal games workshop version while the other is another bane legions model.
