Saturday, December 24, 2016

Andy Chambers: Unit Design Theory

Andy Chambers, the master of creative game design talks about Unit Design Theory. This is a good watch, and interesting from a man who has worked extensively with Games Workshop on 40k, Blizzard on Starcraft 2, and a myriad of different projects.

via Andy Chambers from Facebook

So, there I was at the annual Xmas IGDA in Helsinki, Finland last week with Reforged Studios and their new partners Critical Force. Tuomas Pirinen had asked me to present one the IGDA talks specifically about designing units for the assembled crowd of hundreds of highly successful industry professionals. He also warned me that they were stony-faced Finns and would likely give little response or encouragement to a speaker, instead only gravely considering their words and perhaps grunting. On the day I found out I would be going first out of all the other talks. One of the Critical Force presenters was nice enough to thank me for being 'cannon fodder' and going over the top ahead of the others. If you look carefully you can probably see the sweat trickling from my brow as I try to act cool...