Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Create a Faction: The Cannybaloids

Today we have a very unique feral race of goblynoid cannibals that consume the rotting flesh of their prey to inherit genetic material. This influx of genetic material has brought about the formation of additional abilities and tribes.

So far we have shared 4 completely different armies for the Create a Faction contest in The Genesys Project. This has been really an exciting time, as there are several more that will coming up over the next few days, and it just shows how much customization can be achieved out of this single Life Domain. (remembering that there are a total of 5 Life Domains in Genesys)

Create a Faction Contest
To join in and see what the latest for the Genesys Project, head on over and sign up to get your free product code and jump right into the open beta.

To see more about the create a faction contest going on now......

Reminder to everyone submitting their races: Increases to characteristics to not stack across evolutionary branches. You can see the Create a Faction Primer at this link.

Previous Armies
Previously revealed Armies for the Create a Faction Contest can be seen below.

Plainswalker Nomads

The Empire of Exodia

The Hammerforged

The Fayral