Thursday, September 22, 2016

New Aracnomaidens and a Look at Previous Shieldwolf Miniatures!!!

Shieldwolf has some great new additions to the their latest War is Coming; Aracnomaidens. These are looking very cool, and looking at models from their previous kickstarter, these are sure to impress. So make sure you check out the latest updates for War is Coming Forest Goblins.... there are only 6 days left to fund the project.

Don't forget that Shieldwolf is a backer of the 9th Age as well.

199 backers
$20,046 pledged of $25,000 goal
6 days to go

Update #4
We have decided it's time for another add-on, one that was teased on a previous campaign of ours as this crosses with the Forest Goblins army's attributes; the Aracnomaidens and Aracnowraths (dual kit).

We got reinforcements! Update #5

We start this update by letting you know that we listened to your requests and we find them pretty reasonable. We are only human after all (although that word "creator" next to our name may indicate otherwise, lol, we don't have any illusions however!) :-D

So, we accept the fact that the current pledge levels limit the choices given to you. Regardless of that, many of you have been so awesomely supportive you grabbed and kept hold of your armies; for that, we have no words, mere gratitude!

We have prepared not one but... four (4!) new choices!

Mammoth model from the last Kickstarter.... Very cool!
Pics of Shieldwolf's Mammooth and it's Howdah via Maeglin