Friday, June 24, 2016

From Warlord Games for Bolt Action and Beyond the Gates of Antares

There is a lot of new releases for Beyond the Gates of Antares and it includes a lot for just about any force for the game. All of these come on the heels of the new summer campaign Battle for Xilos. Of course Bolt Action also has new releases, including the Sherman Firefly.

New from Warlord Games

Beyond the Gates of Antares
Commander Josen $8
C3 Drop Command Squad $19.25
Fartok's Black Guard $32
Ghar Outcast Rebel 500 pt. Scouting Force $120
Tsan Ra and Isorian 500 pt. Scouting force $95
Ghar High Commander Karg 12-40-9 $56
Algoryn Compression Cannon $19.25

Bolt Action
Plastic Sherman Firefly Vc $32.00