Thursday, June 23, 2016

9th Age News

The 9th Age is getting organized and there is lots of room to contribute. Regional organizers are being voted on and Universal Battles is looking for artists willing to contribute.

9th Age US Tournament Organizers
With the arrival of the 9th Age the US tournament scene is being established again and the first step is the selection of competent organizers and representatives. You may still remember that we have asked people to step forward, should they be interested in representing their region of the US. The deadline for bid submission has now passed and the voting for Regional US Masters Representatives has begun!

For those within the US, please see the following thread to either vote for your regional representative or see who has volunteered unopposed:
Voting for US Regional Masters Representatives

Voting will be open until 11:59 pm Wednesday June 29th. At that time votes will be tabulated and your representatives will be all set to carry us into a glorious new age (or at least the 9th one).

See the announcement here:

Universal Battle 2.0
Lorenzo is still looking for artists for Universal Battle 2.0.

So what skills should people have who are willing to help:
- Experience with any program that allows one to draw on a computer is fine (Photoshop, Gimp, Corel Draw), Most people would probably prefer Photoshop or Gimp.

What needs to be done:
- In the UB Model Editor there are all the pieces to make custom models (Humans, Orcs, Monsters, Weapons, etc), Lorenzo needs those to be drawn using a new art style that resembles the prototype in the attachments.

What would people get in return:
- Artists would of course be credited on the UB website and they (and their friends) would also get lifetime memberships for Universal Battle Pro. One such membership is worth ~30€ (~34$). In Universal Battle you can play for free, but if you want to create your own model range and custom armies (and a few other comfort function), you need a membership. It's not expensive though. I paid ~8€ for 6 months (~9$) and the lifetime membership, as I mentioned, is ~30€. Lorenzo didn't say an exact number of friends, but he said that also depends on the amount of work the artist does and that needs to be negotiated on a case by case basis (but several, so easily over 100$ of worth).

Universal Battle is of course not an official product by 9th Age, Lorenzo just decided to cooperate with us and develop it for our needs now (and we are glad to help him out by promoting it).

Art Competition
The Background Art competition is still open until Monday. We are still missing artworks. See here: