Saturday, May 21, 2016

Dropfleet Commander UCM Sprue Pics...... and Dropzone Reconquest Phase 2 Coming!

As summer gets close, the one thing I am just dying to get a hold of....Dropfleet Commander. Yes, the release is getting closer and so far everything seems to be on track. Very exciting.

Here are a couple sprue pics from for the UCM Frigates and Cruisers that Hawk Wargames has just released today!!!!! Also for fun. the Scourge Sprues at the bottom.

For dedicated Hawk Wargames fans like myself... Dropzone Commander has a big release coming out soon..... Reconquest Phase 2.

via Hawk Wargames
Dropfleet Commander
We are really excited about being able to get these together into the sets and start getting backing rewards out to everyone who backed this Kickstarter. 

Dropzone Commander
From a Dropzone Commander and general Universe point of view, we will soon be releasing Dropzone Commander Reconquest: Phase 2. We are really excited about this also, as it contains many of the recent releases, along with a few upcoming releases. Keep an eye out on our social media for this!