Thursday, April 28, 2016

Dropfleet Commander News and information... Pics of Sprues

The Admiral Beta test is getting close to being wrapped up in the next week+, and Hawk Wargames is sending out a little information along with some pics of sprues for everyone to take a look at. The release of this game is getting very close, and the beta testers today have all received what we can assume is a final round of rules changes to test over the next 10 days. Very Exciting times.

via Hawk Wargames

Good evening from here in the UK

We know it has been a while. Our mission to hire more staff is going well, and we hope to be able to communicate a lot more frequently over the coming weeks! In the mean time, we are excited to be able to show off a small selection of images today:

Scourge Cruiser Sprue for Dropfleet Commander, Copyright Hawk Wargames Ltd, 2016

Detail of Scourge Cruiser Sprue for Dropfleet Commander, Copyright Hawk Wargames Ltd, 2016

Bases Sprue for Dropfleet Commander, Copyright Hawk Wargames Ltd, 2016

We will be showing more in due course, but we are really excited to be able to show these to you all today!

We have been hard at work on artwork too, along with getting painted miniatures finished too. We had a number of these on show at Salute 2016 this year (in London) and we will have photos of these coming soon too.

We also will have some photos of the Space Station set! This monster of a construction set will allow people to create all sorts of designs and layouts of space station structures which will occupy the tabletop. We look forward to sharing more about this soon too.

The 3 Beta test days for the Admiral Backers went incredibly well, and we have had some useful feedback which has been consolidated and is being reviewed currently. Thank you to all of those who attended and made those events work so well. Your efforts were truly invaluable to our commitment in making Dropfleet Commander a fantastic game!

Finally, for today, we are still getting back to people's emails, so if you have not heard anything yet, please do not worry, as we will deal with every email we have been sent. Thank you for everyone's patience while we work through these emails. Also, please do check your spam folders again if you haven't been able to access the pledge manager yet. We will be sending out another round of emails to those who have not yet accessed it or completed their pledge requirements.

Many thanks again for your support, and we look forward to updating you all again very soon!

The Hawk Wargames Team