Friday, March 25, 2016

Inside Information on Space Marine 30th Anniversary

The 30th Anniversary of Space Marines is coming April 16th, and there has been quite a bit of sneak peaks, an official teaser video, and bits of leaked information. Now we are possibly getting a little more detail on what is going to be the limited edition model.

Not sure about how solid the source is. Take this with a little salt please.

via an anonymous source on Faeit 212
The limited edition will be the first box of Space Marines sold 30 years ago on sale for the weekend. GW stores will have limited stock to see Saturday and Sunday then are  supposed to (but who knows) return stock after to keep the whole limited Ed. thingy going. They will  have painting and other local things store by store. FLGS will get a limited amount of stock which may vary in wider regions and are encouraged to do painting and other fun events, if local scene is older gamers have nostalgic fun activities. No one can force FLGS to stop selling anything they didn't move over the weekend but just how many boxes those stories will get is uncertain.

via Chris from the Comments
Info from my local GW store:

- Single mini, but they haven't seen pictures of it yet - so interpret as you will
- Limited stock, and only for sale in-store on the Saturday (officially…)
- Stores decide their own events. Mine has a "design a chapter" contest for one, plus some others TBD.
- Stores are being drip-fed more information every few days, so there's still some more info to come

Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of Space Marines!
Join in the celebration at your local Games Workshop store!

Is this the first Space Marine Model? And a cool article about the design of it