Monday, January 25, 2016

What's On Your Table: Horus Heresy Thousand Sons Test

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send in up to 8 pics to

Hey, figured I'd share my latest experimentation with Tamiya Clear Red (which may be more well know as 'the stuff you use to make blood effects').

I saw the new test models for the Thousand Sons and decided to try and replicate it. Turns out that most of the hard work is in the airbrushing. To get the shown effect, I primed black, base payed Vallejo model air Gunmetal, zenith highlighted with Chrome, lined the crevices with Vallejo Smoke, airbrushed the Clear Red on then edge highlighted with Chrome. After all that I satin coated it and this is what I got. 

Hope everyone enjoys!

-SGS Aaron