Sunday, January 24, 2016

Leaked Images- Next Releases, White Dwarf Cover, Next Campaign Book -Balance of Power

So what is on the horizon this coming week, a new Campaign book called the "Balance of Power" and a whole bunch of repacks. Definitely a lot here, including some Chariots that I might need to pick up! Looking forward to seeing more as we get more information on what is coming, (especially for the following week for Space Wolves and a return to Warhammer 40k)

Leaked Images for the Balance of Power
via George Smiley on the Bols Lounge

via Lady Atia on War of Sigmar
- AoS repacks ... I think if you like Slaves to Darkness you will like them ^^ 
- Balance of Power - new AoS campaign book

no new model releases just the book and repacks :)

Next week hints are 
"After 10,000 years the lost brothers return ..."

Bramgaunt... you are awesome, thanks for translating and posting
via BramGaunt on Warseer
Upcoming releases
Some guy on a german forum claims he had the nex WD in hands, and contributed the following:

Repack von vielen Chaoskrieger Modellen, Ritter und Barbarenreiter sind jetzt 10er Boxen, Rest gleich, Preise stehen nicht dabei. 

Dann erscheint eine Armeebox, Lord Heldrath's Chaos Deathtide, zwei Streitwagen, 5 Ritter, 10 Barbarenreiter, 16 Krieger, Lord auf Mantikor. 145€.

Das nächste Kampagnen Buch, Balance of Power. 304 Seiten für 60€. 

Dann noch Wardens of the Everqueen, eine Novelle, sowie das Space Wolves Audio Parting of the Ways.

'Many repacks of old Chaos Warrior models, including knights and barbarian riders, who are now 10 per box, rest remains the same.

A battalion, Lord Heldrath's Chaos Deathtide, 2 chariots, 5 knights, 10 barbarian riders, 16 warriors, 1 Lord on Manticor, for 145€ (I don't have the exact prices in mind, but I think it used to be 45€ for the manticor, 45€ for the Chaos warriors (30€ for 12), 45€ for 10 barbarian riders (22,50 for 5), 22,50€ for 5 knights, and 70€ for two chariots (35€ each), which makes a very good deal, also decent army composition.)

Next campaign book, Balance of Power, 304 pages, 60€ (in line with previous AoS campaign books)

Wardens of the Everqueen, a novella, and Space Wolves Audio drama, 'PArting of the Ways'.'