Saturday, January 30, 2016

Faeit 212- Update

Comment Sections
Last week we instituted a new comment system on the site, and it looks like its going to stay. There has been some hesitation on some fronts, but that is normal, and overall the system has gone off without a hitch, with very few problems and a lot of positives. On the other side of the token, the Faeit 212 Community site is going to be upgraded there as well to keep them on the same page.

Faeit 212 App.
Faeit 212 App. The new app will combine the two sites, and upcoming third site into a single feed for News and Rumors. There are also other links to the games we cover on the site, as well as 40k wiki, and a few others that will come and go. While there is not a ton of bells and whistles on the site, I think it will handle its purpose well, and that is getting the information you want through your smart phone quick and easy, and getting to where you need to be.

Time frame is looking like sometime next week for it to be available. The App is free of course, and should work on most platforms.

Faeit 212 will be expanding to new games, and updating the front page of the site here to reflect that. Of course Warhammer 40k, Age of Sigmar, Dropzone, Dropfleet, Dark Age, and others will still be covered here, but look forward to a few new games as well. If you have suggestions, like always, I am open to hearing what readers would like to see covered. Above all else though, I cover the games that I personally enjoy and like. I also like trying other games out.

Of course more is more planned for 2016, but I don't want to jump ahead of myself.