Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Dropfleet Commander- Approaching the Final Push

The countdown is getting intense as the final day and half are panning out to be a very large push for the Dropfleet Kickstarter. It Definitely looks like the 500k is going to be hit as we are less than 4k away now with 30 hours left. I generally don't follow kickstarters as closely as this one, and the end of it is rather exciting to see the support for the game push past pledges I wasn't sure they were going to make.

here is where we are at now..... with new unlocks listed up.... whoa Scourge Spacestation Unlocks!

(this is as of a few hours ago)
3,106 backers
$757,505 pledged of $61,066 goal £496k
30 hours to go

Update #29 - A lunch time update... and some more goals
Posted by Hawk Wargames
After a busy night and morning we have unlocked even more stretch goals, with some great rewards and Bolt-Ons now available:

3000 Backers - Free UCM Dog Tag
The UCM Dog Tag will be added into every single Backer who has backed a pledge level. This unlock will go out with the rewards. Photos of the UCM Dog Tag will be shown in the next few months before delivery.

£475k - Dropfleet Commander Posters Set (Bolt-On)
The Dropfleet Commander Posters Set Bolt-On will consist of 5 A2 Posters, rolled into a tube. Four of these posters will be faction specific posters of the spaceships of each fleet in profile, similar to the below image. The fifth will be a poster of Dropfleet Commander Artwork.

Updated Stretch Goals:
We have just added some more exciting unlocks to the stretch goals.
The full list of new and remaining locked goals is here for your perusal:

Here are the bolt ons that if the stretch goals are reached, will be unlocked:

Here is a little more information about the first Stretch goal Unlock (at £525k)

The Scourge Resin Spacestation Upgrade Pack - £15

This pack will allow you to augment one Modular Spacestation Pack with Scourge features. This can be used for Scenarios, or to simply alter the aesthetics of your gaming table with some detailed resin Scourge parts. This upgrade pack will be available as a Bolt-On if this campaign reaches £525k!

Finally, here is another Beasts of War video... this time, Simon and Warren talk PHR!
We will be posting another update later today with more information, a few more images, and an update on where we are at.

Thanks for all your support... we have a little over 30 hours to go!
The Hawk Wargames Team