Wednesday, September 23, 2015

What's Going on with Dropzone and Dropfleet Commander

There is a lot going on, but most of it has not been news. Mostly because we have covered a lot of it. However, I wanted to let people in on the line up of what I know, or was told by Hawk Simon for the near future.

First up....
The Second Wave of Famous Commanders is just around the corner. We've seen some of them, and if you missed them, here is the link to take a look.

Dropfleet will be starting it's kickstarter soon.... So start saving up!!!!! This starts towards the end of next month, so its just around the corner.

By Christmas or end of the year.....
the Dropzone Commander Campaign. An escalation series of games that has some cool medallions and nice artwork that comes along with it for the factions and battle locations.
You can preview some of what comes in this set at this link. Additions to what you see include Resistance Medallions included.

2016 Q2 
Not too far away at this point is the next book release... Reconquest Phase 2
This of course will have the rules for all the new light vehicles and light infantry coming up.

Now there are still some gaps in there, like is Hawk Wargames going to be doing some previews around Christmas time, like the last couple years? I certainly hope so.