Friday, September 18, 2015

This Week's White Dwarf Overview

Here is a quick overview of the new White Dwarf, with next week's hints, a look a the new KX 139 Tau suit, and new Age of Sigmar models.

via ShadowWolf32387 on Faeit 212
Got my White Dwarf today.  Mostly fluff this time around.

Key notes:
The two Khorne models are pretty much as has already been described
The Slaughterpriest is naturally taller, not on an elevated base, think basketball player build
The Skullgrinder does, quite literally, swing a flaming anvil as his weapon and is modeled as such.
The "cogs" reference from last week's WD was about a Mechanicus army that was in June's Throne of Skulls
Khorne Bloodbound cover for their Battletome looks quite nice.
KX139 Ta'unar suit is shown off, possible to see pre-order from FW tomorrow
Bloodbound Warhorde structure loosely shown off

Next week's hints are "An outcast, an award winner, and an unusual zone mortalis"